Used just a two paragraph excerpt from the introduction to Postman's Technolopy in an English class here - a semester course on AI and Ethics - and Postman resonated pretty deeply with about 50 students in the graduating class of 2025.

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So much of what Postman wrote is worth revisiting.

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As a youth, a student in both middle and high school, the teachers would have us write reports on things I wasn’t interested in. I wish I would have, or could have, been more forceful with my, “no, I’m not interested in this subject or this book”.

There’s something to be said for letting a person develop into his or her own slowly and naturally. However the broken system or misguided teacher is too often only interested in a thing for the sake of a thing. Work will always be work if we view it as work. AI is the escape hatch for the person who isn’t interested in taking the time to be interested. It’s the ultimate cheat, the ultimate hack. You can’t outsource your heart without there being ramifications. That, and AI won’t ever really be from the life of the heart someone

I’m not much older than a youth at this point. I’m not currently in school, but always in the process of learning. All I have to say is, “I’ve got a lot to say and I don’t have to share it with any of y’all! Yeehaw!!”

Thanks for the read ;)

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